Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fiducial Marks Of Printed Circuit Board

Fiducial marks are required for the automated placement of all SMT components. They are used as reference points by Auto placement machines to establish XY co-ordinates for accurate component placement.

1)There must be 2 fiducals placed diagonally opposite each other (on two diagonal corners of the PCB boards if possible) See Figure 5 below.

2) Fiducials should be created as a part in the component library, it will then appear in the pick and place data with a reference and XY co-ordinates.

3)Must be round and with a diameter of 1.5mm. A clear area of 2mm around each fiducial is required. See FIGURE 6 below.

Panelization requirement:

Optimum panel size (preferred): 150mm x 250mm including break off areas.

Maximum panel size: 250mm x 320mm including break off areas.

We can accommodate this size as a special case but quality problems due to this size may affect final yield.

PCB Number:
PCB must have a particular part number which must include the following:

1) Customers PCB number.
2) Version number. First version will show as V1 for example. (See below)

The above constraints should be met by the PCB design Engineer before Gerber, CAD and Pick and Place data is issued.

For more about the PCB production, please feel free to contact us by email .Thanks.

Monday, December 9, 2013

PCB Reverse Engineering

Wonderful PCB Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional PCB manufacturer and exporter located in Shenzhen, China. We provide PCB prototype, Rigid PCB, FPC, Rigid-flex PCB’s mass production. Also, we could support PCB reverse engineering from your PCB sample. More information, please check our website:

In the end of 20 century, the developing of technology was flourishing in Western countries and various advanced electronic products emerged. These electronic products were widely used. The developers mastered nearly all the technical programs and monopolized the field for such products. As a result, some enterprises raised the prices of their products maliciously so as to achieve greater profits. In order to break this monopoly, someone tried to copy such products with reversed research and analysis. Then the PCB reverse engineering emerged.

When the technology of PCB reverse engineering merged in the first stage, this technology is only confined to simple copying and cloning of the circuit board. However, nowadays, PCB reverse engineering also involved in the secondary development of products and new design/ new product development. When you reverse Engineer something, you should fully understand the design including impacts on timing, etc. There are designs out there with specifically designed center planes designed to impact data flow through the board. Some designs even have their own internal tuned coax etched into inner layers. For example, through the analyzing of product technical documents and comprehending of design ideas, structural features and technology, PCB reverse engineering can offer analysis of feasibility and competitive reference for the development of new products so as to help the R & D units to follow up the latest technology trends, adjust and improve the product design and produce the most competitive new products.

At present, the miniaturization of electronic products continues to drive printed circuit board manufacturing towards smaller and more densely packed boards with increased electronic capabilities. Advancements beyond the boards described here include three-dimensional molded plastic boards and the increased use of integrated circuit chips. These and other advancements will keep the manufacture of printed circuit boards a dynamic field for many years.

Although most of the PCB companies specializing in PCB reverse engineering focus on the pursuit of profit in the market, the few have begun to establish a position at a higher level and become the leaders in this field which suggest the high potential of PCB reverse engineering. It improves the technical capability of China enterprises and completely breaks the technical barriers. Wonderful PCB will try to put much more effort into the R&D of PCB reverse engineering and offer better PCB products.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Some Fundamental information of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Board

Nowadays, printed circuit board is widely used in electric & electronic field. This article introduces the fundamental information of PCB in details, including the definition, Gerber file, NC drill file, solder mask, silk screen, as well as the PCB finishing before ordering a PCB. Hope this tutorial can help our customers to improve their PCB knowledge.

The definition of PCB
For standard PCB, it is the combination of bare board and components on it. While for bare board PCB, it is called printed wiring board. We usually call it PWB.

What is Gerber File?
The Gerber format is a file format used by printed circuit board (PCB) industry software to describe the images of a printed circuit board (Signal, ground, power, solder mask, silk screen, and drilling layout plan, etc.). The Gerber format is the de-facto industry standard for printed circuit board image transfer. The Gerber format specification can be freely downloaded.

What is NC drill file?
THE NC DRILL FILE can be opened by Notepad. The NC drill file should have Tooling Size, and X Y info of the holes. An NC drill example is below: T define the hole size, X Y define the hole location. NC drill file can also define the NPTH holes; the best way is to generate a separate NC drill for NPTH holes (Non-plated holes).

Solder mask and silk screen:
The green or white oil on PCB is called solder mask, which is functioned as dielectric protective layer, can protects copper traces and also can prevent components to be soldered at incorrect place. Solder mask comes in different media depending upon the demands of the application. The lowest-cost solder mask is epoxy liquid that is silk screened through the pattern onto the PCB. Other types are the liquid image able solder mask (LPSM) inks and dry film image able solder mask (DFSM). LPSM can be silk screened or sprayed on the PCB, exposed to the pattern and developed to provide openings in the pattern for parts to be soldered to the copper pads. DFSM is vacuum laminated on the PCB then exposed and developed. All three processes go through a thermal cure of some type after the pattern is defined.
On the dielectric layer, a layer of silk screen will be printed. Some words will be printed to show the position of those components. It is also called legend.

PCB finishing
PCB Surface Finishes vary in price, availability, shelf life, reliability and assembly processing. While each finish has its own benefits, in most cases, the process, product or environment will dictate the surface finish that is best suited for the application. It is recommended that the end-user, designer or assembler work closely with their PCB supplier to select the best finish for the specific product design.

If need any more information on PCB, you could check and source from this website: Wonderful PCB Technology Co., Ltd is a professional PCB manufacturer for many years and could try best to help!